Gymlingo 2009 Survey

How can we serve you better?

Please take a few moments to complete our service satisfaction survey.

Your responses will help us to address any issues that you may have

as well as to better target our services to meet your needs.

Your responses will be kept confidential.



Very  satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied







Content of classes






Skill of classes






Party services






Open Gym






Gym facility












Price of class






Price of Party












Front Desk












Web Site







1. Please tell us why you feel that way? Please use back if needed.


2 What do you dislike about our services?


3  Would you recommend us?



Not sure

Probably not

Definitely not


4 What is your goal for your child by attending our services?


Preparation for Competing

Medical needs

Other. Please explain




6 What future classes and services are you interested in? Please explain.


As always, we are looking for any recommendations for teaching new classes. If you know of someone who is interested, please have them contact Gymlingo Academy at


Thank you for your time.